We’d be interested to hear alternative theories below, but one slightly more prosaic answer is they’re all guests on Shane Warne’s new chat show – Warnie – currently airing after the cricket on Channel 9 Down Under.
Last week, the Aussie spinmeister took a break from glumly witnessing his team’s capitulation in the Ashes to fly over to Top Gear HQ in London, track down Jeremy, and film an interview for his show.
If you’re reading this from the part of the world that is currently 1-0 down in The Ashes, you can catch Jeremy’s full interview on Warnie: Channel 9 this Thursday night (16 December) at 20.30.
And happily, following this legendary meeting of minds, TopGear.com grabbed a few moments in the back office with the best bowler in the history of cricket and talked Brabus AMG Mercs, Kevin Pietersen’s Lamborghini woes and whether he’s really planning a sneaky return to the Aussie team.
Video is below (and we realise if you’re an American TopGear.commer none of this will make sense. “Cricket” is basically “baseball” but better in every way):